Executive Wellness
EOH Health provides synchronised, interactive health and wellness solutions that span the continuum between disease and optimal health.
In many companies the divide between the legal compliance requirements for occupational health and wellness initiatives is never bridged. This leads to either a duplication of services or a fragmented approach to the health risk management solutions within a company.
Executive wellness can be seen as the tip of a company’s wellness strategy. Over the past ten years the incidence of chronic disease has increased significantly. The common associations between lifestyle diseases, low socio-economic status and lack of education, has hidden the fact that, within corporations, directors and senior managers are at significantly high risk for these diseases. This is not through lack of knowledge about health but through lack of time and practical advice on how to modify their lifestyles within their own, unique life paradigm.
The Executive Athlete® is a professional programme offered by EOH Health. The ethos behind The Executive Athlete® is the provision of high quality medical risk assessment; comprehensive individual and group reporting; on-going monitoring and practical intervention. This is all within the broader offering of a total organisational health solution.
Our Programme directors are sports physicians, and medical practitioners with more than 12 years’ experience in the corporate wellness field. Solutions aim to prevent chronic disease risk, rather than treating chronic disease once it is irreversible.
Executive Athlete Assessments
The Executive Athlete® programmes are regarded as the starting point for executive assessments which and are then tailored to each client’s individual need. These include:
- Executive Athlete Programme
- Executive Wellness Programme